Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is "Conjure"?

    "Conjure", more correctly "Conjure Snacks" is a Nigerian Snack food restaurant that make home and internationally bred snacks.

  2. What's different about "Conjoure" snacks?

    Conjure Snacks use natural whole ingredients to make healthy and nutritious snacks. Conjure Snacks is not just interested in its profit, but your health as well.

  3. Ok, How do I order a delivery?

    Simply visit the "Request a Delivery" link on the "Contact Us" menu above and fill in the necessary details and your delivery will be made, or click here.

  4. Where does Conjour snacks deliver/ship?

    Any WestAfrican Country.

  5. Are there any hidden costs for delivery?

    No, there are no hidden charges for delivery any where in Nigeria, but for any other country within West-Africa, local taxes may apply.

  6. I want to distribute for Conjure Snacks/become a Conjure Snacks Distributor.

    To become a distributor, you need to have met certain requirements, such as at least "2 years of Experience" distributing wholesale goods. You can find out more on the "Become a Distributor" link under the "Products" menu above or simply click here.